Yesterday on the Facebook group -
History of Snowboarding (which is a good group that you should all join), Snowboarding
Legend Mike Ranquet (to use his full name) asked this question:
“When, why and how did the
majority of snowboard magazines turn into the equivalent of ‘Tiger-Beat
Snowboarding’? When I look at Thrasher or most any skateboard and or surf
magazines they don’t make me feel alienated and old; yet most of the major
snowboard magazines do. The snowboard mags have the same MO as any
pre-teen/teen gossip magazines; they don’t seem to care about where they came
from or where they’re going, just living in the now. Wouldn’t in depth
interviews or features including anyone over 30 (or 40 in my case) be of
interest to most?
When I open a new snowboard mag I have no stoke or excitement as too what’s going on because..... well I just don’t care, yet I know that when I open a Thrasher there will be photo’s and articles that I want to look at and read. Skate, surf and even rock/music magazines make me feel young and evoke a feeling that I’ve been harboring for years and it stokes me out, but snowboard magazines make me feel old. I know I’m old (41), but that’s not the point; the point is that these mags should make me feel young but haven’t for the better part of a decade.
With the exception of the ‘token’ old guy 1/4 page shot here and there, the significant history of our sport has been swept under the rug. Not upset, just confused as to why other board related sports have been able to keep all demographics of its participants interested yet snowboard mags fall short.”
Next thing you know it’s kicking off and there
are 145 comments. We wanted to add our own 2 cents to the debate, but there wasn’t
enough space in a Facebook comment to get across all the things we wanted to
say on the topic so here you go…
We started this site because the snowboard
magazines weren’t providing enough of the kind of content we were interested in.
There was a whole world of snowboarding that we wanted to find out more about, so
rather than waiting for someone else to do it we got on and did it ourselves. We spent about
2 years figuring out what we wanted to write about and another 4 years writing
this stuff. Having to fit this blogging shenanigans in amongst everything else
we do makes you think a lot about what you are doing, why you are doing it and
the environment you are working in. Over that time this is what we have
with the current US snowboard magazines (and often their websites)
1. They are all rushing to cover exactly the
same middle-of-the-road ground. They have no personality or view point which means
that once you’ve read a couple of editions there’s nothing new that makes you
want to go back again.
2. There is a lack of variation in content and
the content they do produce is to a large extent uninteresting. For example a
good proportion of the content of the magazines is made up of interviews with
snowboarders. That’s interviews with sports people
who are paid to spin around not be elegant wordsmiths or great thinkers, and
they’re young whipper-snappers to boot who
have very few anecdotes so the interviews are dull and repetitive.
Like this but not so high:
and don't even get me started on the Snowboarder Mag intern interviews
3. Here’s the weird bit - Talking about
snowboarding is fundamentally dull. It’s a feeling and conversations about
feelings (the good ones because the bad feelings make for great conversations) are
both frustrating for the person trying to convey their experience and intensely
dull for the listener. It’s like talking about dreams. No one is running a
successful magazine narrating people’s dreams. Try narrating the story of your
day snowboarding to a friend that wasn’t with you and watch them try to end their life in front of you (if
you think this doesn’t happen to you, you should either start writing for a
magazine immediately or stop telling stories for ever).
they could do:
- Piss off some people: You can’t be all things to all men, those people who try are politicians and everyone hates them. For the magazines to be successful they need to grow a set and be willing to piss off some people. For every person you piss off there will be more who do like what you are doing and who will follow you far more intently than they do at present (as long as you are not nuts, but if you are, you won’t know it anyway, so carry on).
- Become journalists: Instead of just repeating the stuff the snowboarders or snowboard brands PR teams tell you, journalists should be out trying to find and create stories.
- Get political: There are a number of significant issues that no one is taking a lead on in the world of snowboarding. If a major magazine took a stance on something like the FIS/Olympics fiasco, supporting snowboarders who fall on hard times or the environment they could then try and change things for the better. A magazine with a stance, with their readership in tow, could be the one outlet that could genuinely make a difference in our sport.
- Try a different topic: Write about other topics like the history, the politics, and the weird stuff, the stuff we should be angry about or should care more about.
- Get a personality: Develop a unique writing style or visual style that makes them stand out from the competition.
- Don’t let the lure of advertising corrupt: There’s a balance between being helpful to advertisers and allowing them to control your product. In the US snowboard magazine market there have been recent signs that this balance has not been kept. The only thing this kind of thing does is make things even more bland and pointless.
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Like Photoshopping logos onto front page pictures |
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Offering preferential reviews in buyer's guides |
examples of similar situations/solutions:
- The mobile industry before Apple got involved. The iPhone doesn’t suit everyone and they do some things that piss people off like enforcing a monopoly on the technology they use, but for every person that doesn’t like them they have an Apple fan who is nuts for them. The iPhone shook up a complacent industry that all did the same thing (like the current US snowboard magazine industry) and now they have the upper hand.
- TV car shows before Top Gear went mental (The UK one not the crappy US version). This show really pisses people off, they don’t review small cars and Jeremy Clarkson is an over-opinionated twat. However it is now the world’s most watched car show. Even if people don’t like their stance on things like global warning or shooting public sector workers in front of their children, they still watch it because it’s entertaining. Similarly to snowboarding the topic of cars is all a dull topic and they solved the problem by talking around cars and not actually talking about cars. Top Gear also have changed the way they work with the car companies (advertising but with BBC limitations). They used to struggle to get small cars on the show and as a result were careful about how they reviewed them. After they changed, even though they absolutely slate some cars, the car companies are still throwing cars at them. If you do things right the advertisers don’t dictate what you do, you get to dictate to them.
Imagine having a magazine that was made up of
these features:
- Opinion editorial from Angry Snowboarder
- Proper interviews from Buoloco
- Irreverent content from Yobeat
- In depth reviews from Shayboarder or Angry Snowboarder
- Resort reviews from Misplaced Person (although she only writes about one, but you get the idea)
- News from Boardistan
- Weird stuff and pretty statistics from Illicit
Now that would be a magazine we’d want to
read every month.
Wherever there is a niche that a big site or magazine isn't covering a blogger will appear. There are even some areas they haven’t covered.
There’s no good snowboarding history site yet for example and clearly there is a thirst for
it because that Facebook group has 4,000 members. We’d do it ourselves except we
already have our thing and we don’t have time to expand so feel free to run with that one and credit us later. The magazines should be
watching what they do and learning from it, it's free prototyping and a source of proven talent.
Add to that content the photographs from Transworld
Sport (which are well pretty)
And finally get Whitelines to edit it and
make it look nice. This whole article was specifically about the US snowboard
magazines (and from my experience you can throw the Canadian, Australian and
New Zealandish ones in the same bucket). There are a few exceptions to this
rule and the UK mag Whitelines is one (although we’re not claiming they’re
perfect). It’s a magazine with an attitude (it’s no coincidence that the mag
with the controversial name is the mag with the most personality) and the
editor is currently churning out some great articles.
While we’re at it, the Japanese mags really go
to town on trick tips and fashion (in fact there’s another niche someone could
focus on), I have no idea what they are saying but they still work. Add that in
That's enough opinion, we'll get back to researching snowboard porn.
Feel free to give your 2 cents or you you might also like...
The World's first snowboard magazine - reviewed
Some investigative journalism and opinion mashed together
Epic. As a Kid I was stoked to get mags and go through them but as I grew up the mags tend to stay the same age which would be about 13 and a half if I got my math right. Sick Article, keep killin it.
ReplyDeleteThanks Are Dub. The mags have stayed the same, but over the years snowboarders have grown up. We wrote an article a couple of weeks back 'Snowboarding vs. Skiing – Who’s Winning?' and the the average age of snowboarders is 24 and rising. Snowboard mags haven't moved with the audience.
i think even skate and surf magazines are this way too. Remember a Magazine back in the day called Big Brother, now that was a real magazine!!
ReplyDeleteJust don't understand how Snowboard Canada/TW , this, years resort guide, can be exactly the same as last year. Mix in the nauseating photo captions. They've lost me.
ReplyDeleteand gear guide... and rider profile...and...
ReplyDeleteTotally agree and so glad you wrote this article, I've been thinking about this a lot since I started dabbling in writing about snowboarding. I'm in my "watch and learn" phase (during those first two years, were you guys blogging just on your own personal sites about riding or simply reading up and getting educated on what's going on?). Anyway one thing I've already noticed is that a lot of the mainstream publications lack meaningful editorial - pictures and videos are great, but a lot of us actually can READ, and enjoy it. You were spot on about other points as well including preferential gear reviews and how people are afraid to get political... I'm still trying to figure out what it is exactly about this industry that seems to dissuade most writers from saying anything potentially controversial. Thanks for proving you can indeed write outside the box in this industry.
ReplyDeleteJust to give you heads up Shay, Myself, Buoloco's Bob Klein, and Pat Bridges were all in the same room tonight. Think of the possibilities!
ReplyDelete"Think of the possibilities!"? What, like Pat bridges teaching you and Shannon how to actually write?
DeleteAgree, most ski and surf mags are also pretty shite. I normally read Rolling Stone as its got a good mix of articles, reviews etc... Maybe check out the surf mag Stab. They have pissed off pretty much every pro surfer and are a great read.
ReplyDeleteHi Gloria. Just thinking about setting up a site for two years. Takes some time to go from a idea down the pub to actually figuring out what you can do that would be fun and have a niche. Most important thing for this site was finding something enjoyable, because there was never any plans to do anything commercial.
ReplyDeleteGood luck Avran, it will be interesting to see where things go with all these sites down the road.
Hey there Tom. Stab sounds good. Only issue for me is that on principle I stay well clear of any sport where there is a good chance of getting eaten by giant toothy flesh missiles.
Great blog. I think the lack of content is due to the recent decline in advertising budgets.
ReplyDeleteIf you look at Fall Line, all of the recent content is shit and it's because they've got no money to do anything interesting, so it's easier for them to reproduce free shit and content given to them by advertisers.
I don't buy magazines anymore, just read blogs that are genuinely interesting.
Dear Illicit Snowboarding,
ReplyDeleteI am writing to accept your utterly awesome job offer. I am available to start about 10 minutes before you read this, and am happy to accept a sub tour-op salary plus unlimited supply of Haribo crocodiles. I propose to start with that place in Russia where I believe they offer attack by religious zealot as an apres ski activity.
I really enjoyed this article. I actually write for one of these said offenders, and while I do agree with what you say on many aspects there is a difficult balance of keeping people interested and going headhunting. I am not old, but compared to the average reader I am older, and honestly, I would be stoked to write about topics such as the FIS/IOC/TTR debacle. And I may get that chance next season as the winter Olympics are on the minds of the readers.
ReplyDeleteI think one thing that is difficult in a national magazine is that when your on the national stage, there is more pressure all around; not just from advertisers. I completely agree about the regular Q&A scenario getting old. It makes the writer and publication look bad if the snowboarder doesn't know how to form a sentence properly.
Working for the magazine is my dream, and I am stoked every minute that I am involved. However, I am a journalism major and am hungry for hard-hitting stories that aren't the regular recycled shit. I am glad I came across this article, it makes me realize that I can help this situation. Well--hopefully help this situation.