Thursday, November 10, 2011

Redesigning History, one poster at a time


This week we thought we’d try our hand at rewriting the history of skiing and snowboarding by pushing the invention of snowboarding forward by about 50 years and seeing if we can fool anyone…

These are the result of a side project we’ve been doing. We found four of the best vintage ski posters and then did a bit of Stalinesque editing on them (just without the whole messy purging bit). They are all recreated from scratch and it took bloody ages. 
The original poster of Mont-Dore was painted in 1935 by an unknown artist. Here's a version of our poster vintageified next to the original.

The slightly amusingly named Otto Baumberger created the original Canadian Rockies poster as an ad for Canadian Pacific railways.

The Ste. Crois et Les Rasses poster from 1922 was also produced by the mysterious unknown artist. 

And to complete the set we've got an updated Morzine poster that was originally created by Bernard Villemot the man best known for his Orangina ads.
If you like them feel free to buy a poster from our shiny new store on Zazzle

This site doesn’t make any money and things aren’t about to change. The 10% cut of each sale that comes through to us will be filtered straight through to a snowboarding charity. In this case the money will be going to Protect Our Winters

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  1. I love these posters - definitely going to order one.

  2. Erm pedantry alert but WB isn't in the Rockies

  3. ...and fixed. We'll leave redesigning geography for another day.

  4. These are genius in every way. I've been riding since '89 and also a graphic designer. Not to mention I love Baumberger and first saw his work at a hostel in Switzerland. I've been fascinated by his stuff ever since. Awesome job blending in the snowboarding!


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